Greenville Micro Pigmentation


What is micropigmentation?

Micropigmentation is a form of cosmetic tattooing exclusive to the face and scalp. Specialized tools designed specifically for these delicate areas of the body  allow for a more realistic, natural appearance of hair strands or coloring.  

What is the difference between Nano Brows, Microblading, and Powder Brows?

Nano Brows are a newer form of brow artistry and are considered the most natural looking brow micropigmentation now. The procedure is done with a PMU (Permanent Make Up) machine that deposits pigment into the dermis layer of the skin, deep enough to ensure it lasts a couple of years.

The pigments are inserted in thin strokes that resemble the brow hairs, so the final look is very natural – the strokes are complimentary and indistinguishable from the hairs.

Of course, the technique can recreate brow arches from scratch for clients who have very little to no brows due to certain conditions.

Like with other forms of cosmetic tattooing, Nano Brows require an initial session followed by a completion session approximately 6-8 weeks later. The results stay visible for 1.5 to 2.5 years, at which point they’ll fade away if left untouched. Nano brows will be more visible and last longer than microblading because the pigment of the Nano brow technique is slightly deeper and uses a smaller needle than that of a microblade tool. Nano brows work best on dry to normal skin, but they can work on oily skin, too.

Unlike microblading, which isn’t recommended for clients with oily skin and large pores due to strokes blurring, strokes created with a machine are more resilient to pigment migrations.

So you can get Nano Brows regardless of skin type, but be aware that pigments tend to fade faster from oilier skin with ANY micropigmentation method.

Microblading, or 3D brow embroidery, is a type of micropigmentation that is created with a manual, precision tool that is made up small needles forming a "micro-blade".  The microblading techqnique is conducted mostly in the top layer of skin, the epidermis, and gives a more natural appearance of real hair strands in the brow than the traditional, older forms of cosmetic tattooing.  Because the nature of the epidermis is in a constant state of shedding, the implanted pigment will only be retained for 1-2 years depending on skin type, daily activities, medications, etc. 

Advantages of this semi-permanent tattoo on the brows are better precision, natural shaping, natural coloring, and revision as trends and skin change.  Also, because the depth of skin for microblading remains very superficial, topical anesthetic is able to bring discomfort to a minimum or even pain-free.  

Microblading is a generally a two-part procedure.  You will have your initial session and then 4-6 weeks later you will have the second session, or the completion session.  Some clients may require additional sessions for more sparse brow lines, skin type, medications, or just preference.  The initial session begins with a consultation to discuss your personal preferences along with a thorough examination of your natural brow line, bone structure, and face shape to create a brow line customized specifically for your face.  Once carefully mapped and measured, the brow line is numbed and the microblading portion follows.  The second session is considered the "completion session" because it is critical to finishing the procedure.  Reinforcing the original foundation from the first session, the pigment is layered and revised for a completed appearance and also for the longevity of the tattoo as a whole.  Some clients opt for a ‘third session’ if the skin heals lighter and softer than average due to medications, underlying medical conditions, denser areas of skin, scar tissue, or if the client just prefers a bolder appearance. This is all a beautiful art form and takes time to perfect- the artwork is on the skin, not a canvas!



How do I take care of the brows after the microblading procedure and what should I expect?