Scalp Micro Pigmentation
“ I cannot thank you enough for convincing me to get my scalp pigmented. I LOVE the results and have gained 100% confidence in my appearance and no longer worry about others noticing my thining hair. Thank you, thank you!!! ”
Male, 2 sessions
Scalp Micropigmentation, SMP
A non-invasive scalp treatment that uses fine, micro-needles to deposit pigment into the scalp to create the appearance of tiny hair follicles or short hair stubble.
SMP involves the placement of tiny pigment deposits within the upper dermis of the scalp. Each deposit is designed to replicate an individual shaven hair follicle. When thousands of deposits are combined and blended with any remaining ‘real’ hair, the result is an incredibly realistic simulation of a full head of shaved hair.
This treatment is great for men and women with thinning hair, receding hair lines, or baldness. This gives the look of a short buzz cut for balding areas or added density in thinning areas.
Results last 6- 8years.
(Price based on treatment area: size, duration of session, & number of sessions. Consult required for pricing quote.)